Thursday, June 2, 2011

From Junior High to the trek ~

So much has happened since I blogged last!  School is out and Summer is in full swing.  We completed another phase in our house as we finished strong in Junior High. 

Elementary School ... check.
Junior High ... check.
High School ... here they come!

Garrison got straight A's this term and I couldn't be more proud.  
Jake ... worked very hard as well. :)

Today, my modern family has traded in all of their batteries, bathrooms and comfy beds for three days of pioneer living!  They will be pushing handcarts, hiking mountains, sleeping on the ground and eating off of tin plates as they reenact our pioneer heritage.  When Matthew and Kacey did this a few years ago, they dreaded it.  It was hard, hard, hard.  Tears were shed (not by Matthew) and blisters were born.  But this morning, the attitude was different.  These three boys could not be more excited.  Gary has been running around for a month getting ready for this day.  I think he was born to be a pioneer.  I can't wait to hear all of their stories!  Look how cute they are! 



Shari said...

They look great! Gary was in his element this morning. Mcdreamy however was not meant to be a pioneer. I may have thought the words to the song.....and should we die, just trying to get the man ready to go was putting me over the edge. The stories will be glorious. I'm so glad they will be the ones telling them. Whew!

Amy Legler said...

My dad has been growing his beard out for over a week in prep for their trek this weekend too

Tina McKinnon said...

Oh, Karen! You weren't a "Ma" on the trek? haha!!!! YOU are so NOT cut out to be a pioneer!! (Neither am I!) Each year I'm so glad when they don't ask us! (Bad attitude!) But they're smarter than that... I'd never survive it!

Diane Miller said...

seriously adorable...all three of them! I had no idea Gary was going on the trek, but yes...right up his alley!