Monday, May 16, 2011

Dear Keaton -

When I got this picture on my phone on Saturday, I cried.  I saw you and Dad standing there, and my mind got dizzy.  I thought to myself ... "Wait a minute!  Dad said he was working in Utah ... Keaton is in Idaho ... oh ya, they're right next to each other.  Gosh Dang it Gary!"

I realized that Dad had pulled a fast one.  He called your Mission President to ask for permission to see you, but he forgot to ask for my permission.  Silly Dad.

After I was done huffing, puffing and pouting, I realized that his decision was wise.  If Dad had asked what I thought about a quick visit ... I would have stomped my foot and said absolutely not!  And then, once I saw that my opinion didn't matter to him, I would have swiftly packed my own bag and hopped on board.  And then, once I saw your face ... I would have clutched you like there was no tomorrow and probably stuffed you in my bag and took you home.  Who knew how wise Dad really is!

His report (and your Mission President's report) is that you are solid.  This little distraction would not affect you, because you are focused and steady.  I'm so proud of you ... still a little bit mad at Dad ... but SUPER proud of you.

Have your best week ever!

Love, Mom


Sue said...

Now I'm crying. He looks so happy!!

Dang that Gary.

Melissa said...

What a cute picture! I don't blame you for being a little mad :) But how fun for Gary!

Tina McKinnon said...

HOW FUN!!! And good for Gary for asking the Pres! Good for him! Way cool!

Mrs. Bennett said...

Go Gary! How AWESOME! Love that he is a solid missionary!

Anonymous said...

Diane Miller said...

Keaton does look great...and happy to see his dad! Way to go Gary on the asking permission. Hard to argue with that...