Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Happy Birthday little Momma ~

Today is Kacey's birthday.  My only female offspring has turned 23 years old ... in the blink of an eye I might add.  It seems like this picture was taken just yesterday.

Let's face it ... 
I mostly just posted that picture because I look really good.

Anyway, my little girl is all grown up and it really did happen very quickly.  I recently remembered a day when Kacey was just days old.  My Dad came over to visit the wee one and he was holding the swaddled gem all snug in his arms.  We were standing in my kitchen, and I turned around to see him crying ... tears streaming down his naturally red cheeks.  I promptly asked what was wrong, and this was his sweet reply ...

"I just know that your Mom played a role in sending her down."

Of course he was right!  Of course my Mom would get to meet her grandchildren before they were sent to earth for a season.  I consider myself to be one of the most blessed recipients of such an incredible gift, and I thank all of those heavenly hosts that played a part in it.

Fast forward 23 years and here is that gem now ... 
carrying a gem of her own!

I got to see my little grandson today.  As his Momma rested on the doctor's papered table, the ultrasound tech gave us a glimpse of this boy and we got to watch him play.  He is already amazing.  This whole cyclical story is amazing.  I know that he is making mortal preparations to take on this world, and I'm sure that my mom and sister and concourses of angels have helped introduce him to this crazy experience that is about to take place.  He's going to rock it.  

So Happy Birthday little Kacey!  
But I'm afraid that I got the present today.  
And here he is.

 He's going to like me.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

To infinity and the John!

I was just in the "ladies room" doing what ladies do and I had a memory I thought I'd share.  I've been having lots of flashbacks lately, so maybe I'll post a few this month before I forget all about them and become like the old lady in "The Notebook".  Then when Gary comes to visit me in my fancy nursing mansion, he can read my blog to me every day.  Super!

Anyway, when I was a youngster, we lived on a very tight budget.  My Dad worked very hard for what we had, and my Mom & Dad both worked even harder at pinching pennies.  We never drove new cars or ate at fancy restaurants, but I never felt like I was lacking in anything ... I even remember owning a pair of Jordache jeans.  Sexy for sure!  As soon as I was old enough to babysit and make my own money, I was taught the same frugal lessons that my parents lived by ... and it worked.  

One night, when I was at one of my babysitting jobs, I was once again in the ladies room.  Shortly after assuming the position, I heard two little people outside of my door.  I wondered for a minute if they were needing something or if they were just anxious for my return.  Pretty soon, one of the little people spoke.
Little Person: "You know you can only use two squares!"
Me: "What?"
Little Person louder: 
Me:  "Okay!"  
As I tried to re-roll the surplus that was already in my hand, fully aware that the squares were probably marked and tracked on a T.P. Chart
 in the food storage room.

As I recalled this story tonight, I was grateful ... because I am not a two square kind of girl .... and honestly, I don't think two squares is enough for anybody!  I may never have a butler, by I had/have all of the toilet paper a girl could possibly hope for.

New definition of rich = infinity of squares

Enjoy your squares, ladies.  Enjoy the heck out of them!  

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Weekend of Sisters ~

Here's the deal.  When one sister dies, you cling tighter to the ones that are left.  That's just the way it is ...  pure and simple.  Ever since Kristi passed away, there has been a grip on my sisters that nobody could possibly breach.  Our need for each other is relentless as it takes priority over most things in life.  We defend one another and we take nothing for granted.  A bit pitiful that it takes a death to create such a connection, but we're making the most of it now.  Don't get me wrong, I've always been super tight with all of my siblings, but the sister thing is just a little bit more divine now.

One thing that we have started doing is "Sister Weekends!"  It's just as delightful as it sounds.  We pack it up, leave our husbands and children behind, find a sweet hotel and we do sister things.

Last weekend was one of our finest!  Our cousin was leaving to go on his mission, we had family running in the Color Run and we had hair and nails that needed to be done.  Since Julie is pregnant, we knew it could be awhile before we get to leave our little ones again ... so we took it all in and basked in its glory.

We decided to go "out of town" about 20 miles up the road to Chandler, AZ.  We stayed right by the Chanlder Fashion Square Mall so that we could be within close proximity to F-U-N!

This was our humble abode for the weekend ... and it was lovely.  Julie was very patient as we traveled to 5 different hotels until I felt the right "energy".  I have issues.  Moving on.

The first morning, we watched our little family members cross the finish line just as colorful as can be.  If you've never heard of the Color Run ... here you go!

They raised a chunk of cash for our local Cardon Children's Hospital.  Great job ladies!

Then we went to Monti's La Casa Vieja and ate a lovely meal as we tried to wipe off the colorful powder that would remain in our cracks, crevices and eyebrows until our next shower.

Then we went to our favorite place in the whole wide world.  Grandma's house.  We knocked and knocked on her door, but she didn't answer.  We finally found her sitting on the back porch reading a book.  It was a lovely day to sit on your back porch and read a book ... or to stay in a hotel with your sisters!  Have you heard of our Winters?  Bravissimo!

This was followed by some shopping, some eating, some laughing, pedicures, manicures, hair cuts, a movie and just some good ole' sister time.

I love these weekends and I love the tradition that we've created.  I think I'll start planning the next one ... but for now, I'll just keep this one close to my heart.  Kristi is still teaching us.