Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday Night Live - 10.2.2011

You will enjoy this week's show much more if you simply play a little bit of
  this in the background.  Because we are CELEBRATING over here!

A little sneak peak of the day Gary and I were told that our whole world was about to change ...
clearly, I had no idea I was being filmed.  So unprofessional of me!


Tina McKinnon said...

YAHOO!!! Great fun!! So glad the word is out! SOOOO hard to keep my big mouth shut!! Congrats to ALL of us, but especially Kacey & Karl... oh yeah, and liltle Peanut! xox

Sue said...

Congratulations!!! A baby and an Aussie!

I LOVED the difference between Karen's reaction to the news and Gary's reaction. Classic.

mom/sandy said...

CONGRATULATIONS to mommy and daddy and to grandma and grandpa!! The fun will truly begin! By the way that due date is Bob's birthday!

kaelin said...

"roscoe's pregnant?" hahahah! so excited for kacey, I'm still in semi-shock.

Diane Miller said...

Congrats Kacey...great news! And what a great due date. It has been one of remembrance and now a new baby!

First and foremost with learning's G'day mate, never good afternoon mate!

Karen said...

Diane! How did you remember that date??? Only a fellow sister loser would have known the value of that due date.