Thursday, July 4, 2019

God Bless America

When I was younger, I made some really dumb choices.  So did everybody else I’ve ever met ... ever.  I still make poor choices!  Unless we’re perfect (and we’re not), that’s just part of life.   Luckily, we usually learn from our choices and we become better for it!  This is how I feel about The United States of America. 

When she was younger, she was still learning about everything. I imagine it’s not easy to start a nation from scratch.  No doubt that some stupid choices were made. Can you believe that we actually thought that slavery was normal?  What the heck, right?!  Women couldn’t vote!  Shut the front door!  Shoot!  Shut the back door!  But guess what. That’s not who we are anymore. 

That’s not who we are anymore because we are inherently good and wise. We began to learn from our mistakes how people should be treated. That’s how history works. Our history shapes us, reminds us of our progress, and gives us some really helpful hints on what to do moving forward!  We should be so proud of our country today! It’s still not perfect (neither are we), but look how far we’ve come!  

So when we choose to be offended by our history, and actually begin to remove the landmarks, statues and images that refer to our past ... we’re erasing the piece that we grew from. We’re also erasing some really impressive work that should never be dismissed. Betsy made a grand ole’ flag!  And she’s a girl!  Atta girl, Betsy!

Today we celebrate our independence. Freedomthat some still don’t have.  This freedom recently allowed people to express their feelings about Betsy’s flag. This same freedom allows me to express my feelings about people who choose to be offended by Betsy’s flag rather than measure the growth we’ve experienced since then, and to appreciate the work and the good that was put into that flag!  Are we done learning and growing?  Nope. Can we be better?  Always. History has shown us this.  

So today, on The 4th of July, my gosh celebrate what we have. Light a sparkler and take a bit to rejoice in the good things the USA has offered us.  We’re the luckiest.  We’ll pay it forward.  We always have.  God bless America.

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