Monday, August 6, 2012

Keaton's last mission email ~

well everybody- they tell me that im going home this week. Im not sure if i believe it yet, but I've reached the end of my mission. I cannot adequately write how i feel about my mission and what it means to me, but it is the best thing that i have ever done- and it means everything to me. I have learned and grown and succeeded in ways i didnt think were possible. Looking back i can see that im a completely different person. My desires, thoughts, and intents have all improved and are more aligned with Jesus Christs. Nothing could have helped me achieve this like serving Him for 2 years straight. Its been awesome!
My testimony of Jesus Christ and His gospel are sure and strong. Nothing could persuade me to disbelieve the things that i have witnessed and that this church is Christs true church. I know it more now than ever before! People have objected what i believe often these past 2 years. They tell me im wrong and why they feel that way, they shout at me, they curse me, they hate me. But those circumstances have only strengthened my testimony. Christ has sustained me through my trials and made me stronger. He has shaped me into someone He can trust and count on. I will never look back on these 2 years as a waste or ever wish to replace them with anything else. No scholarship, sport, girl, or anything can compare to the value of my mission. It has been difficult but so worth it.
Im grateful for the opportunity i had to serve and I thank all of you for your love and support. Joseph Smith is a prophet of God and we have a prophet called today to lead and guide us-Thomas Monson. We have the priesthood authority of God and I hold it.The Book of Mormon is the word of God and will help us through these challenging times as we study it. God loves all of us and is there when we need Him. He will never give us a challenge we cannot handle- They will all make us stronger as we turn to Him. Jesus is the Christ. Nothing can ever take the testimony i have from me : ) I have earned it and will treasure it like a golden trophy for all my life. I love you all and look forward to seeing you this week. 